How to add users to DrivEd LMS
To add users to the LMS, click on the blue 'Create' button in the right upper corner and select 'Create a user' from the drop-down menu.

A pop-up window will appear, and you will be presented with 4 different options to add users to the platform. Let’s go through each of these options.
Option 1. Create or invite users via email.
- Copy/paste the email addresses of the users into the designated field.

2. Choose the user role from the drop-down menu in the lower left corner, and click on ‘Invite’.

Users will receive an email with instructions on how to sign up to access the platform.
Option 2. Create users manually
- Click on the ‘Create manually’ button.

2. A pop-up window will appear, and you will need to fill in the form with user information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Username. You can also choose whether the users needs to be assigned to a specific branch by selecting one from the drop-down menu.

3. Choose whether you want your user to generate their own password or manually set it up for them.

4. Select a User role and click on ‘Create’.

Option 3. User Import
- Click on the ‘Import’ button.

2. On the next page, download our template for submitting user information, fill in the required data, and upload it back to the system.

3. As soon as the data is uploaded, check the User role and click on ‘Import’.

4. Once the data has been uploaded, the participants will receive instructions on how to sign up for your school and access the course.
Option 4. Inviting via the link
Click on ‘Copy invitation link’ and share it with users. To access the platform, they will need to proceed with the sign-up process.

That’s it!