How to add a multiple-choice question (one correct answer)
You can add multiple-choice questions to a quiz or an exam to test your learners’ knowledge. Follow this article to learn how to add such questions to your course.
- Go to the quiz/exam you need.
- Click on ‘Add question’.
- In a pop-up window, choose a question option in the ‘One correct answer’ section. In this section, you will be provided with 4 answer option types: text, image, video, audio. Lets’ go through each of the question option.

Adding a multiple-choice question with text answer options
- Click on ‘Text options’ in the ‘One correct answer’ section of the pop-up window.
- Type in a question.
- Type in answer options and mark the correct answer. You can add as many answer options as you want.
- Add an explanation of the correct answer if necessary. Add as many answer options as you need.
Adding a multiple-choice question with image answer options
- Click on ‘Image options’ in the ‘One correct answer’ section of the pop-up window.
- Type in a question.
- Upload images per each answer option and mark the correct answer. Add as many answer options as you need.
- Add an explanation of the correct answer if necessary.
Adding a multiple-choice question with video answer options
- Click on ‘Video options’ in the ‘One correct answer’ section of the pop-up window.
- Type in a question.
- Embed or upload videos per each answer option and mark the correct answer. Add as many answer options as you need.
- Add an explanation of the correct answer if necessary.
Adding a multiple-choice question with audio answer options
- Click on ‘Audio options’ in the ‘One correct answer’ section of the pop-up window.
- Type in a question.
- Embed or upload audio files per each answer option and mark the correct answer. Add as many answer options as you need.
- Add an explanation of the correct answer if necessary.